It’s hard to believe that Fall is upon us with today being the first day of Autumn. The trees haven’t colored up much yet, but the show will start soon with their bright colors of red, orange, yellow, and yes brown.
I’ve been out early this morning refilling the hummingbird feeders. They are still around and are on their migration so activity is brisk. Now if only I could get the little creatures to be good and share without the constant bickering over who gets the feeders.
(Close your eyes Suzi) It’s also that time of year for all things involving pumpkin and pumpkin spice. Pies, cakes, breads, lattes, whatever you can think of to add those spices to warm the palette and the tummy. I feel in the mood to make something today. Overcast, chance of rain, seems like a perfect day to putter in the kitchen. But who knows, that mood might soon pass and I will be on to something else.
Whatever you have planned for the day, try and spend a moment of it out in nature. It won’t be long before the cold winds start blowing and the earth loses it’s vivid colors and sleeps for a bit.
A nap sounds good too for the day. Maybe I will try and squeeze in both.

We are smack dab in the middle of hurricane Ophelia…so, getting our share of winds and rain…Have a great day, Vic!
Yikes! I hope you stay safe and your power doesn’t go out!