Today has started out as “one of those” kind of days that has me double checking the calendar to make sure it isn’t a real Friday the 13th day. I woke up to the smell of a burnt ham. I don’t know how the ham I put in the crockpot last night on low could burn to such a nice charcoal colored crisp. Except it wasn’t turned on low, or it was but someone turned it up. One never knows if one is losing their mind or if someone else felt the need to fiddle with the knobs. Either way, I should have double checked, I know I can’t trust things to stay put, be left alone, or remain in their place long around here.
So there goes the main course for lunch today, I might throw on some chicken breasts later. Right now I have a dessert and a casserole in the oven. Don’t let me burn those as well. Or I will be forced to dig into the bowels of the freezer and look for a frozen pizza. The truth is, I don’t even know if I have to make lunch today. I don’t know if my company will have eaten before they show up, or if they even want to eat lunch. It’s just that when I am not prepared, it’s off for take out, which gets pricey after awhile.
So I’m cooking for one, possibly two, maybe four or more. I shall see later….and I just went ahead and threw some chicken breasts in the oven. I may be eating leftovers for weeks. I can understand the dilemma my grandmother faced every week-end when unsure if family was showing up, have food on hand, eat leftovers for weeks, rinse dishes and repeat again next week-end.
Nothing has been done outside, it’s been too cold, it’s been too hot, it’s been too windy. Rain later tonight, temps near freezing the next couple of nights, and then back to somewhat normal weather for April. It is still April isn’t it? I’ve lost all track of time.
I was out in the garage earlier gathering up all my tools, getting ready to sharpen them when I realized that my bench grinder no longer works. Cue the cuss words and the aggravation. Somehow again, the knob was not only messed with but broken. I haven’t been out in the garage all winter. Elves? Gnomes? Evil sprites? Again I have a guess, but I just have deal with it and move on to find another one on sale.
I can’t find my potting soil, I can’t find half of my buckets. I can’t find my new snap on heads for my Wolf Garten tools, and I can’t find my patience.
Back again from checking on dinner. So far nothing else burned, but worried about the potatoes not being done enough so back they went in the oven. Seriously folks I can cook, really I can. Garden too, really I can, it’s just the gnomes, elves, and sprites who like to throw in those monkey wrenches. I guess I should be thankful Bigfoot hasn’t shown up, (though I had a neighbor who swore he saw one walking a hedge row once on the edge of town). Just what I need, more showing up for dinner. I hope he likes chicken or burnt ham.
It hurts me to laugh at all this…😂😂😂 [no, seriously, it does]…You know we love you, Viccles…now, could you make me a ham sandwich, please? Mustard, no mayo…spicy brown if you’ve got it…❤️❤️❤️
Trust me, you are going to need a lot of mustard and the spicier the better! I just hope you can chew it, maybe I should grind it up and make ham salad?
😂 😂 😂
It’s been cold, then hot, then windy, then wet, then dry, then the air stinks here from those outside woodburner freaks, then hog barns being cleaned out.I need 3 big bags of potting mix for my window boxes and I can get those easily. However, it’s going to the greenhouse around all those people I hate to have to be around. And those girls working there…Ugh…what lazy snotty ones they are. Never ask them a question because god forbid they have to walk down an aisle to look. Now wait…I’m writing a blog here. It’s your misery time so I’ll bow out. Sorry 🤐 I hope your weekend is better. Take some time to just say, to heck with it and relax and not worry. AS Suzi tells me, It’ll be there tomorrow. And that is why I have a cluttered mess and am irritated about my things…Suzi!😂
Let us get in that car and drive….and drive and drive and drive…Then board a plane and not look back. And hope our reading pleasures have bigger print than here, or I’ll need more wattage in my specs…
Sigh…it’s always my fault… 😒 Who would you guys blame stuff on if you didn’t have me?
Paulo….but it’s not near as much fun as blaming you!