Well spring has finally arrived, by the calendar anyways. Still having that roller coaster of temps though that has me guessing it will be a late unsettled spring. I only hope there isn’t much loss of plants, bushes, or the new fruit trees I planted last year. Sixty-degree temps one day and 20’s the next, can’t be good, for people either.
Not much new to report today, at least in my world. In the rest of the world it’s a mess, and I’m not even going to go there with the amount of garbage going on.

I thought the above meme was funny, but it also hits the nail on the head when it comes to society, everyone is a know it all, lots to say, and not a whole lot of listening. But for today I am going to ignore it all and the finger pointing and exaggerated outrage and other typical nonsense going on.
It’s Monday, music day again. Even though St. Patrick’s day is past, I am going to go with a “green” theme, thought it would fit in with the first day of spring. Do you have a favorite song with the word green in the title or in the group name? Feel free to post it in your own music Monday blog.
Have a good day peeps.
LOL…that was one of my Mom’s favorite sayings! Another one was…I may not always be right, but I’m never wrong! Sigh…I sure do miss her…
Great song…and Happy First Day of Spring, Vic!
Lol, love that saying about never being wrong!