Well here we are on the 27th of February, one more day for this month before we head into March and hopefully more springlike weather. Last night a thunderstorm came thru, and even though not much rain fell, it was comforting to know that it did come down as rain and not snow.
Lots going on this week, whether I get a lot done or not remains to be seen. Spent some more time working on Divi on a site and there are a few hiccups still. I have an idea of what the issue is, but not sure if it’s something I am able to do or not. Which had me lying and bed and thinking, does it really matter?
I came here to blog, to converse, to be with others who also like to blog. I feel like I am getting further and further away from that when I try and putter around with customizing. I do however want to have some working knowledge on how things work, how it can be done, but to be truthful if I got the message, nope that is it, all you can do, I wouldn’t cry about it.
I feel like I am on the cusp of so many different things, and I am waiting. Whether to go forward, backwards, or head off completely in another direction. That’s life for you, it can never make up it’s mind so you can. But then it can’t make up it’s mind til you do. It’s a vicious cycle.
Hey it’s Monday again, time for some more music…
The cartoon…hilarious…
The music…great…
The blog…spot on…I’ve been wondering, pretty much since the beginning, why anyone needs 4 or 5 different sites…it just doesn’t make good sense to me…
I have 5, three are for groups. But the more I think about it, the plainer and simpler the group sites need to be for any members. Too much stuff and it’s too overwhelming for anyone new. Especially when members contribute to the same group site as well.
Especially for those we want to join, so it needs to be pretty simple, or they will be overwhelmed by it all…
Yeah, still trying to figure out the more social aspects that can be done here. I’ll have to do some googling. People liked the bantering back and forth that we had on Shmooze which is awkward on the activity front page. Besides not everyone wants to be bombarded with that every day. Bit hard to do much on guestbooks, I am wondering if a plug in can be placed on our front pages for commenting and posting pics? I’ll look into it a little. (Along with all of the other stuff that is broken and not working for me, lol…one solution, delete it all and start over!)