Well…Let’s See How This Works

I did a little experimenting with my site yesterday to see a little bit more what all Divi can do or can’t do, or what I want I would like it to do and it refuses to do. So at the moment things on my site are a bit mixed up and later on today, tomorrow, or sometime this week I will set about redoing it and indulging in a little more in experimenting. Well, as long as I don’t break anything else.

The page looks okay, nothing great, not excited about it, but it was fun to try out a few things. The animated title, kinda fun, kinda interesting, kinda annoying. It will go. The colors, background, a quick stick up for something, are a bit blah, but it’s just a test. A test I think I should probably be studying for, or at least watching the videos when they are suggested for help. But it’s much more fun to “wing it” and press buttons and ask oneself, “I wonder what this does”.

I was quite proud that I had somewhat of a cohesive site up until clicking on the menu. Some links worked,some just took me back to my site. Clicking on blogs, took me nowhere. It’s all there though, somewhere lost in the Matrix. It’s what happens when you have a choice between the red or the blue pill. Or in this case, Divi or the default theme.

I gave up early on it to leave for another day, and realized what I need to do is to first decide on a template design and then go forward from there. Somethings I tried to add showed up okay when added in their little boxes, but failed to work when saved. I found some of the column choices limited in Divi, but then I have only scratched the surface. I think my next try will be to look at the different choices they already have, and try to customize one of them, other then trying to build it all from scratch right off the bat in Divi. Again, maybe if I bothered to watch a video or two might help.

Lying in bed last night, I got to thinking, if only I knew someone who did comics. They should do a running strip on the trials of the Matrix, also known as the WordPress dashboard. Morty, OhNo, and Tripod are forced to figure out all the coding and system before the Nonsequentials eat their way thru your blog site and making it go sadly wonky. Then they get to visit the Oreo who gives them all a pat on the head and a cookie, and Civatar is saved from awkward, wonky websites.

(And now another test….will this blog entry show in it’s entirety, or will it behave as the others and go nowhere? If it gets lost, I will switch things back so hopefully it shows up).

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2 years ago

Hey, look! I can speak Greek, too!

Μπορώ να μιλήσω και ελληνικά!
