
It’s hard to believe how fast the month is going, I’m all for a quick, short month that will get us closer to spring. It’s amazing what a difference a couple of 50 degree days can make. The large snowfall we had last week is quickly becoming a distant memory. There are still patches of it, here and there, but it’s slowly being sucked back into the earth.

The geese have been flying, one hears them, before one sees them. I haven’t seen or heard the robins yet, but they should be here any day now. I guess I need to just spend more time being aware of what is going on around me outside. It’s a quick in and out til the weather becomes more cooperative. It’s tempting to get out there to start doing some clean up, but leaving the old vegetation gives coverage for those bouncing temps, seeds for the birds, and protection for beneficial insects.

I’m ready, and yet I am not ready for spring. I bounce back and forth on plans, plants, gardens, projects, and when I think I have it all figured out, a monkey wrench gets thrown in for good measure. It will all work out, and if it doesn’t, it’s on to a different plan. Unfortunately all of my plans are expensive. I plan for one thing, only to readjust those plans. Did I mention my furnace went out right before the big snow storm? Yep, of course it would. The guy came out, looked it over, took down the serial numbers, etc, etc. and said he would try and find the parts needed. If he can’t, a new furnace is in my future. More juggling of plans and that check book.

For a Monday, it’s rather quiet. I don’t hear much going on except the distant rumble of a train, a few birds, and the soft scratching at the back door. The feral cat is ready for breakfast. He is becoming less and less feral every day. Amazing what some food and kindness can do for an animal, and for people too.

I haven’t forgotten, it’s Music Monday. Feel free to post a favorite tune and tune out the rest of the world and it’s responsibilities for a moment.

this article 2/20/23
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2 years ago

The month is disappearing quite fast! And the weather! Good grief it is screwy…they are calling for 82° on Thursday, if you can believe it! As I sit here, I am watching a few robins gather around the bird bath…it’s nice to see them.
Hope your day is a good one, Vic!