
It’s Sunday, that is my excuse, I will try to think of another excuse for all of the other days that I am lazy.

Suzi prodded me a bit to write a blog, it’s been awhile, so I guess you can blame her for my meanderings today.

There isn’t much to report today from the land of corn. It’s a quiet day, the sun is shining, temps are pretty decent for the middle of February. Hard to believe that spring is only 36 days away. And yet, it is hard to believe spring is still 36 days away. Anticipation or lack of it will skew one’s viewpoint on anything.

Today is the Super Bowl. I won’t be watching or caring who wins. But, by all means feel free to give a shout out to who you are rooting for and if it will be a day of all things football for you. Just make sure to share the nachos, chicken wings, or pizza you will be imbibing in, I’ll pass on the beer. I never acquired a taste for it.

In two days it will be Valentine’s day. Did you remember to get your significant other something special? Are you even participating? Or are you like me and will be waiting for the day after sales on discounted chocolate? I remember in the past we did a romance week on the blogs one year. Not sure if anyone is up to doing any themes or challenges on here? It’s been a bit quiet, but I know some are still mourning the loss of Shmoozezone, some have responsibilities and can’t be on-line all day or for hours at a time. But I will put the thought out there about maybe doing some of the old challenges we did to garner more blog postings.

Whatever your day brings, I hope it is a good one. And Suzi..I will try and do better on the blogging!

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2 years ago

But, but, but… if you put a cape on, you’re not being super lazy 😛

Since I am behind on my chores what I will like be watching today is the tidy bowls. Or bowels, never sure on the spelling.

As far as football, I hope they serve a home run to a birdie!

Valentines day, um yes, you were mentioning Spring? Oh look, a squirrel!


2 years ago
Reply to  viccles

I find napping is the one thing you can’t procrastinate on. I mean, if your procrastinating on napping, aren’t you actually doing something?

And if you’re doing something, you’re not procrastinating, right?

If I’m not going to watch the Superbowl, can I do that at any time, or do I have to wait until it is actually on to not watch it?

2 years ago

You are the only person I know who can make ‘lazy’ sound so exhausting!

No super bowl here…I stopped watching professional football when colin kaepernick disrespected the flag and the national anthem…what a troll. If I were to root for a team, it would be the Chiefs…I detest the eagles as much as I detest colin kaepernick…I do still watch college football, though.

Have a great Sunday!