Here we are, now starting the month of February. It was a relief to see January go, and hopefully February will move along quickly so we can finally get closer to warmer weather and spring.
It hasn’t been a bad winter, it hasn’t really been a long winter, it’s just been a season of confinement and limitations that we pretty much have all been dealing with for the last couple of years. Hopefully most have been unscathed by sickness or difficulties. I keep poking around here and don’t feel like I am accomplishing much. It’s hard to actually sit down and have the time to commit to really delving into a lot of stuff. I guess when one gets right down to it, what does each person view this place as and then go from there.
I have several sites on here. I made a couple of new groups the other day and made sites for them since groups are limiting in posting. Right now they are just basically skeleton sites. None of the sparkle or added accessories to pretty up the place like a new set of curtains. At the moment, they don’t really need all of that, they are still forming in my head of what they are going to be, what they will include, and morph into.
When I first joined up on Shmoozezone, it was fun to see what all could be done on our pages with the customization. Over time, for me, it lost a lot of it’s appeal when it became glitchy for me and half the time wouldn’t upload graphics or pics for me. One day it would work perfectly, then for days, it would be cranky and temperamental. So I never really got exited to do much with it. Over here we have a lot of options, the first one being which builder to use, then the layout, etc, etc. A lot to figure out, and part of me is okay with what I have already for my site and for my Quasi site. I don’t really feel a need to redecorate for every holiday or month, or theme. But then, I am one of those people who doesn’t like to rearrange furniture constantly. Move it around once, and you pretty much know what is the best layout. It’s not quite that simple here, but I more or less have the same attitude. I’ll keep tinkering, but there may be nothing earth shattering or all that interesting to many.
For some, this place is a place to just decorate and design and just constantly change, like trying on new outfits. For some this place will just be a place to gather thoughts and put them together into a bit of a journal entry. For some this place will be a combination of both with leanings toward sparseness or overindulgence, in words, or by design.
I think there is just a part of me that doesn’t want to make a huge commitment, and perhaps that isn’t the best choice of words. Sometimes it’s hard to put into words just what you want to convey. I was on Shmoozezone earlier, read some posts, went back and read some older posts, and it dredged up a lot of emotions. I think there is a part of me that is holding back a little on this place because of it. One can’t change the past, and can one really change the future when the same people are the players? I don’t know.
For now though, I will trudge on and continue to write long rambling blogs of little importance, to be read or not read, makes no difference. I might stick in a graphic or photo here or there or I might not even bother. This place will be whatever you make of it. Much like friendships and relationships, it is what you put into it.
I’ll include a graphic or two, just to not make this blog seem so bare. Consider it a temporary covering until I get those new curtains.

Hang in there Vic. It will be Spring before we know it.
Looking forward to the privacy feature…