
(a cross post from our old Shmooze site)

Well here we are…day 5 of the New Year. So far, nothing earth shattering, which is a good thing. But then again, nothing exciting either. I’ve been thinking, considering, planning a bunch of different things and yet none of them have really gotten much of a lift off into something productive.

I could repost old blogs, previous things just to fill the void of tedious monotony but it does nothing to contribute to a new year, a new blog, new me ideology,  etc, etc.

It’s the unknown of what’s to come, what will be, how things will pan out. For the year, for this old site, for the new site. Who knows?

It’s quiet here, it’s quiet there, it’s a silence filled with time, just waiting for each of us. Some are busy, some are under the weather, some are unsure, some are quietly dealing with things that life keeps throwing at them.

My mind pokes and prods so many ideas. It travels and wanders into ideas and thoughts of silliness mingled with seriousness. One I view as funny, may not be perceived as others in the same way. I could talk about politics, religion, the current state of affairs, but when one ventures into those areas it really becomes rather mute. Too many times, those kind of blogs, come off as preachy, judgmental, and if you don’t think like I think, you will be labeled.

Label me lazy. Label me tired. Label me goofy, nerdy, amused, annoyed, and whatever else it is you want to label me. If it makes it easier for you. It’s a lot easier to try and pigeonhole someone than it is to look at something thru their viewpoint.

I thought about doing a blog over on the other site… but I still am on the fence about it. I came up with an idea. Something I think is funny. It may not go over so well with some, it might even annoy some. I’ll think on it some more on whether to post it or not.

I’d like to think in the New Year I might think more, do more, and work on those things like patience, compassion, character building stuff… yeah, or I might just continue to be me. Who knows which way the wind will blow.

So Happy New Year, Happy blogging, happy thoughts…be happy…. and don’t beat yourself up on those days that it’s hard to achieve. We’ve all been there in the past.

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2 years ago

Well that is meandering I’ll give you that  😄 

Yes, a site needs a critical mass of active members to be viable, and attracting new people is an issue. We ran into the same issue on Dagger Bay, and frankly even Worth1000 ran into it earlier, that’s probably why it was sold, and it was arguably the biggest artist site on the Internet.

And I don’t have any magic formula for finding people either, obviously. There are not all that many that have the time to sit in front of computer and read things, let alone type them.

In any case I’m still in the middle of making everything work, and we need to have that before we can even attempt to populate the place.

As far as particular blogs, just make them interesting. Get people to react, to think, to comment.

Hell if you can do that you can actually make money blogging   :wpds_wink: 

2 years ago
Reply to  Dio

Dio, people are looking for homey, down-to-earth, sincere sharing posts. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but rather to come from the heart, a sharing of a part of your life . Just now I shared that egg basket on Twitter and it went viral. Everyone is hungry for a sense of normalcy in this crazy world of today.

2 years ago

Vic posts the absolute BEST blogs!