Inedible Food

Back when I was young, you know, before dirt was invented, I worked in a grocery store and one of the things that came out at the time and mercifully didn’t go anywhere is Snack foods made with Olestra, which was an undigestable substitute for the fat in potato chips among other things. They made […]

Havet (Mimi and Josy)

Havet is a musical duo composed of Mimi Vogler (b. 2003) and Josy Vogler (b. 2005), a pair of German-Swedish sisters from Bavaria. Mimi and Josy grew up surrounded by music, raised by singer and multi-instrumentalist parents. The sisters began playing in bands with friends as young teenagers and went on to win the German […]

Looping – Sam Perry

Looping is something new. If I was in my 20’s today you can bet I would have one of these things to play with. Sam Perry is a genius at it, there are a few others in his category, I’ll post a few of them over time, but this guy simply has it down to […]