His arm “ducked” back in the shell like his head did earlier 😉
I sort of needed it out if I didn’t want to just levitate the flashy thingy. He needs the dark glasses when using the flashy thingy so he doesn’t deneurelize himself, the same way the MIB always put on glasses just before using the thing.
The voices you are hearing are just the moon reflecting off a water balloon. Weather Balloon, whatever 😛
Gotta watch those moldy acorns!
I’ve got questions! Where did his arm go? Why are his glasses different? Why am I hearing voices? 😉
His arm “ducked” back in the shell like his head did earlier 😉
I sort of needed it out if I didn’t want to just levitate the flashy thingy. He needs the dark glasses when using the flashy thingy so he doesn’t deneurelize himself, the same way the MIB always put on glasses just before using the thing.
The voices you are hearing are just the moon reflecting off a water balloon. Weather Balloon, whatever 😛
I’m going to need new glasses… 👓