I couldn’t have said it better myself!!

I couldn’t have said it better myself!!
I love my new coffee mug!
Blue has always been my favorite color!
I have a confession to make. Please don’t tell anyone, but I am addicted to nail polish!!
I just have to have a bottle of every new yummy color I see.
Remember now… this is our little secret!
Great advice!
It doesn’t take much to make me happy…just a kind word now and then, reminding me that there are still nice, decent people out there.
With all the new, talented gardening friends I have met recently, my poor little garden has been doing it’s best to keep up!
Yesterday, I discovered this unique flower on one of my Candy Stripe zinnias.
It made quite the impression!!
The moon last night at midnight was awesome, shining through the hazy clouds.
Ha! Hush up guys! You know it’s true!
I don’t post selfies often, but just felt like sharing.
This is as “me” as it gets! 100% unedited!
There’s still time.