Monday Music – Kryptonite

It seems to be a repeat of another rainy Monday this week. I won’t be getting anything done outside, so it’s a good day to rock out with some music to chase the doldrums away. A bit of a quirky video, but don’t we all have our own kryptonite?...

More Music for Monday

It’s a slow Monday, rain over night has left it too muddy to do much outside. So laundry is going, lunch is cooking on the stove, and I am listening to music while cruising the net. I picked this Gaga song since the video was done here in Nebraska and it was big...

Oh What the Heck…

It’s quiet, it’s slow, I’ll post a Music Monday video over here on the Quasi site as well. This song was hugely popular when it first came out, I haven’t heard it in ages and stumbled across it on Youtube the other day. The video gives me...

Hump Day

Yeah, I think that about sums it up. It’s suppose to be near 90 today, just last week we were in the 20’s. I can’t decide if I want to go embrace nature or just go take a nap. Maybe I should just do a survey every day and let other people decide what...

A Chuckle…

I am on an old Yahoo garden chatter’s joke list, and this was one of the jokes he sent out this week. It gave me a chuckle, and I hope it does you too! Even though we are all adults here, I will go ahead and post a warning that this is adult humor and to not...