It’s quiet, it’s slow, I’ll post a Music Monday video over here on the Quasi site as well.
This song was hugely popular when it first came out, I haven’t heard it in ages and stumbled across it on Youtube the other day. The video gives me Matrix/Keanu Reeves vibes which is never a bad thing…
Another great choice!
Thank you ma’am!
Definitely a Matrix vibe to that video. I wonder what the budget was on that. Hmmm, I seem to need to hook smileys up here.
I liked the song, I’ll have to check that group out.

Thank you!
I always hated videos when they were made on high-rise rooftops, or on streets. It’s this thing of fear in me. I’ve never heard this one before. I like it.
You wouldn’t catch me on a rooftop either….Fear of heights and that someone would push me off (yeah, you know who you are!)😆
Yea, yea…I know who she is too, but I’m not naming names, because Suzi would get mad at me… Hey, I got an email notification for this reply. Yeah.
Another comment block I can’t post an image in…🤬
I experience the same issue often, and more times than none.
Not sure why sometimes you can post an image and sometimes you can’t….there be ghosts over here…