It’s only the 20th of December and it already feels a bit anticlimactic. Since my family got together over the week-end, I am ready to take down the tree, put away the cards, wrappings, and holiday decor. Leftover fudge, candy and chocolatey bits have already made their way to the freezer to enjoy for another day after a gluttonous week of sugary overload.

Packages and cards keep trickling in, Christmas carols still linger in the background and talks of a white Christmas fills the news. Christmas is always such a rollercoaster of emotions and efforts. Weeks of planning and preparations all for one day, maybe two and then, it all gets stowed away in the closet and in our memory banks to bring out for the next year.

I always feel like I have forgotten something, someone, or that I needed to find a better or more fitting gift. It’s a struggle, a self imposed struggle that none of us really need. I analyze, make mental notes, consider the next year, and tuck it all away with those baubles and festive garb to retrieve for another time or year.

Most if not all of you have yet to experience the day, the holiday yet. I feel a bit like a time traveler, I have already been there, yet I can’t tell you what your day will be like or how it will end. Each of us have our own chapter, traditions, family, friends, and struggles.

Whatever yours may bring, I hope it is joyous and filled with laughter, the best kind of gift.

…and to leave you with some laughter, or a bit of a smile…some holiday humor…

Merry Christmas everyone!

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