Winds in the east, mist coming in, Like somethin’ is brewin’ and bout to begin. Can’t put my finger on what lies in store, But I fear what’s to happen all happened before. *Weather today reminds me of this quote from Mary Poppins.
Winds in the east, mist coming in, Like somethin’ is brewin’ and bout to begin. Can’t put my finger on what lies in store, But I fear what’s to happen all happened before. *Weather today reminds me of this quote from Mary Poppins.
Love love love those beautiful lilies!! Your garden looks so bright and healthy!
I know what you mean about the storms. I have had an uneasy feeling all morning. I hope you get the rain you need and nothing more serious!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Have you tried the collage feature in your phone? I haven’t had mine long so am still learning about it.
Thank you! I always think of you when I admire lilies, no matter where I am 💖 I do like the collage feature, I have a simple Android phone. But I will upgrade to the first phone that has a click n sniff feature 😄🌸
Now THAT would make it a best seller!!!🤣🤣😁
Wow those storms were something else. I never such a steady stream of rain…one storm right after another. I hope it doesn’t hit you as hard as it did us.
So far not too bad, supposed to get thunderstorms today.
(*^-^*)They are due here again tonight and tomorrow (Wednesday night and Thursday)