Cosmos, sunflowers, Gazanias and Morning Glories are coming along, also have some Asters, Zinnias, Petunias, Yarrow. No showing yet of Stocks, Dahlias or Echinacea🤞🌱
Cosmos, sunflowers, Gazanias and Morning Glories are coming along, also have some Asters, Zinnias, Petunias, Yarrow. No showing yet of Stocks, Dahlias or Echinacea🤞🌱
Gorgeous plants! They all look so healthy! What kind of grow light do you use? I know you’ve probably told me, but I forgot! I really like my “Octopus” one and am thinking about getting another one.
Thank you Vero! I have 2 of those “octopus” lights, a few Jump Starters, and 2 standing racks each with 3 shelves and adjustable lights. Shorter season here, so need all the help I can get.
Sounds like a good setup!! I love the octopus ones. They can be moved around any way we like to cover every area. Your dahlias probably wont show any growth above ground for at least two to three weeks. (At least that’s what they do outdoors.) I have never tried starting them indoors.
I sowed dahlia seeds a week ago, no sight of sprouting😐 I had luck with dahlia mignon seeds last year, this is a different variety. I haven’t potted my tubers yet, another couple weeks probably.
Oh ok. I didn’t realize you meant dahlia seeds. I only tried them one year, and was disappointed. I planted a mix and they were all just a sick-looking shade of orange.
The most fun thing I have ever grown from seed is rhubarb. Fascinating watching the tiny leaves develop into those huge monster leaves.
Never tried rhubarb, my grandmother had it and made delicious sauce. My sunflowers are taking off, I’ve had to start potting them up already.
That reminds me, I need to post my recipe for “RHUBAR CRISP”. It is guaranteed to make even the rhubarb haters want to try it.
I like to put a bit of it in strawberry jam too.
Neat about the sunflowers. I should try an early start with a few. Might have to cut a hole in the greenhouse roof. lol I usually direct seed mine and a lot of them get eaten by various critters.