My garden
Planning to widen my border gardens this year, thinking about what new plants to add. Ideas? I love to attract the pollinators.

My garden
Planning to widen my border gardens this year, thinking about what new plants to add. Ideas? I love to attract the pollinators.
This is so beautiful! The only addition I could think of would some plants with larger leaves for contrast, but you don’t want to hide much more of that gorgeous fence. What is the purple tree in back? I really like it!
Good idea, plants with larger leaves, thanks! It’s a flowering plum tree, early spring it has pink blossoms. I have 2 in my yard, brought them home in the back of my Subaru. This was a new house with no gardens or landscaping of any kind-not even the fence. Fun having a blank canvas. My back disagrees with that last sentence 😂
Oh I know what you mean about a blank slate. We built a new house in 1998. All my garden is built from scratch on dirt that was like a dirt road. They had to cut down about 20 feet in places to level the lot, so it was all yellow rocky dirt.
That’s a lot of work! So satisfying to walk around your home and gardens having done it all from scratch! I went to widgets, will have to explore more. It’s been fun learning more how it works here. Back to the office tomorrow, hope I don’t forget what I’ve learned!
Oh me too. I try to wander around everywhere every day or so to keep it fresh in my mind. This will be fun all winter until gardening time .Don’t work too hard!🥰